Muscle Building Pills Side Effects


There are very many muscle building pills and supplements in the market today. All these products from various manufactures claim to work best and on top of that to have very minimal side effects. This is however not always true muscle building pills do have some side effect especially if they are not used correctly or in the right dosages.

steroids side effectsThe main or active ingredient in most muscle gaining supplements and pills is testosterone. This is the hormone in the body that is responsible for increase in body muscle mass. High levels of testosterone in the body can have several adverse effects. Some common side effects closely associated to muscle building pills and supplements include formation of acute or severe acne, loss of hair, enlargement of the prostate glands, gynecomastia and even testicular atrophy.

These side effects do not affect everyone who uses the above pills and supplements. Many people have reported using muscle enhancing supplements and they did not experience any side effect. The final verdict can be then concluded that the mode of use greatly determines the final outcome and the accompanying side effects. People willing to try out the above muscle enhancing pills should consult a doctor before hand.