Bodybuilding Videos

How Important is Sleep for Building Muscle?

You go to the gym and do the most awesome bestest workout possible, meal prep all your bland broccoli and chicken breast, and take all the overpriced supplements you found on a fitness Instagram, yet even though you seem to be doing everything right, your buddy, who started getting in shape about the same time as you, is still getting better results. And he or she does

the same workouts but hardly meal preps while eating the occasional pizza and ice cream, and the only supplement he’s taken is a protein shake he found on sale in the bargain bin. So how is this possible? Well, what you didn’t realize is that your friend is doing better at the number one most important thing outside of exercising than you are. While you’re binge-watching on the new hot TV series,

or playing your favorite videogame for hours, or even just staying up doing… whatever you might be doing on the internet, your buddy is hard at work… sleeping. If you’re the nocturnal type that gets hardly any sleep with the occasional 8 hour sleep, chances are you’re holding yourself back from getting the best results possible. We already know how important sleep is just for the sake of survival, after all,

all animals have to sleep some time. When it comes to increasing your gains, sleeping is pretty darn important. Let’s start off with the most obvious effect of not sleeping enough, and that’s the negative impact on performance. If you ever go to the gym feeling tired and sleepy, chances are you won't be doing half as much...

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You go to the gym and do the most awesome bestest workout possible, meal prep all your bland broccoli and chicken breast, and take all the overpriced supplements you found on a fitness Instagram, yet even though you seem to be doing everything right, your buddy, who started getting in shape about the same time as you, is still getting better results. And he ...